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How to use RSS feeds - Digital Trends

The Internet is a big place. Really big. With more than a billion existing pages and thousands more being created each day, there’s a wealth of great sites offering fantastic content free of charge. But with such a massive torrent of media being produced each and every day, it can often be tough to keep up with all your favorite websites. So, how do we alleviate this problem? Easy. Here’s a really simple explanation of Really Simple Syndication (RSS).

What is RSS

RSS is all about simplifying the way we view and digest content on the Internet. Web pages are typically multimedia experiences, with multiple columns of images, text, and advertisements. An RSS feed of a page strips the information down to the bare essentials — usually the main text content, main images, or in the case of podcasts and video channels, the content itself.

By reducing the desired content down to just what you really want, you can enjoy it on a larger number of platforms without worrying about compatibility or display issues. It also allows you to keep track of when new content is posted without requiring you to refresh the blog or podcast page every 10 minutes until something new appears.

How does RSS work

Rather than paying upwards of 100 bucks for a DVR like TiVo, you can start using RSS for free — all you need is a valid Internet connection and a program called an RSS aggregator
An RSS aggregator, also known as feed reader, is a program that runs in the background and constantly waits for your favorite sites to post new content. When something new pops up on a site you’re subscribed to, it instantaneously gets sent to your feed reader
Typically, aggregators come in two varieties; they can be Web-based or desktop-based. There are also a number of programs and add-ons that provide RSS functionality to email clients and Web browsers. Once you’ve installed a feed reader, you can get started.

How do I use RSS

There are hundreds of aggregators out there, with all kinds of different interfaces and useful features, so finding one you like is just a matter of experimentation. Google shut down its coveted Reader service in July 2013, but thankfully, a number of new software options have come about since then that are more than capable of handling  your subscriptions. The most popular of these options is Feedly given its ease-of-use, robust compatibility, and the mere fact that many sites feature an embedded shortcut button for utilizing it.
